

I thought this set of instructions on how to make a paper airplane were successful because they are simple and easy to understand. They did not need any words to explain each step, the pictures with lines of where to fold and the directional movement lines explain the process. This is successful because of they have just the right amount of information needed.

I thought this is a good instruction because they have simple diagrams with instruction in words as well. In this case, it is better to have pictures and words because without both of them, it could be confusing. Again, it is successful because they have just the right amount of information. Any more or any less and it could be unclear.


I found these instructions to be very unclear. Perhaps if I knew the product better, it would make more sense. However I find that the drawings are not detailed enough and the words are also very vague. Also, there are a lot of different instructions on one page so it feels very condensed  and overwhelming.

I found these instructions to be unsuccessful as well. I think the pictures need to show movement with what is going on, not just the final steps. The words are also confusing however I can imagine trying to explain how to make these bracelets would be a challenge. The pictures and the words are unclear about the evolution of the steps to making the bracelet.



And this is just funny…

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